Friday, May 28, 2010

My life for the next 2 months and a half

hour 000135

- Super Pimp Sunglasses
- Passeport / visas / papers
- Black dickies shorts
- Grey tourist pants with zippers ( goddamn )
- 3 x quick dry boxer shorts
- 3 x quick dry socks
- quick dry travel towel
- grey windbreaker
- black raincoat
- compass
- watch
- ipod touch 32 gb
- pills
- camera
- 3 batteries
- 3 x 8gb memory cards
- camera rain covers
- camera leash
- 500 gb harddrive
- timelapse remote
- a tripod
- a tripod head
- lens cleaning kit
- travel book
- tooth bursh w/ tooth paste
- bandages
- sleeping bag
- headlight
- mosquitoes net
- 10 liters dry bag
- a back pack called DEMON
- wisdom
- heart
- mind
- wit
- friends
- family
- the unknown

I'm smoking right now....having a beer.....listening to buddy guy.

1 hour and 19 minutes before I leave

1 comment:

  1. Que Saint-Christophe guide tes pas mon ami.
    Amènes, avec toi, une part de nous tous voir ce qui se passe de l'autre bord du monde.

    Sois bon et courageux!
